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Smells directly reach our brain by way of cranial nerve number 1: the olfactory nerve.
And, through the limbic system, smells have a great impact on our emotions.

The petrochemical industry sells us tons of tar residues to cover up our urban emotions. To regain the use of essential oils perfumes means to discover our vibratory clothes and our invisible beauty.

parfums1 Essential oils are made of myriads of different molecules. Organic synthesis, the possible drying of plants as well as distillation offer us a wonderful treasure produced by true plant alchemy: the transmutation of rays of sunlight into liquid gold kept in small bottles. This process is both magical and biochemical. Essential oils molecules are pearls sparkling in the sunshine of Life. They bring us healing and happiness if we choose them carefully. Matter is densification of energy in a specific range of space and time. Each one of these particles of matter is linked to a memory and thus matter is related to a gathering of consciousness and information in a definite space.
It can be a good thing to establish a daily routine involving essential oils to act regularly on these subtle levels of energy. For example, it is very powerful to spray our auric fields with essential oils every morning like we would with our favourite eau de toilette. Rather than being the result of the synthesis of petroleum oil residues like most industrial and carnal perfumes, this special eau de toilette will embrace the precious scents provided by Nature for us to be happy. This “spraying ritual” is quick and simple, aromatherapy massages are to be saved for suitable moments when we truly have the time.

Essential oils in ancient history and in modern times


From a technical point of view, an essential oil is the concentrated hydrophobic result of the distillation of an aromatic plant whereas hydrosols or floral waters are the hydrophilic result of the same distillation. Compared to other herbal extraction methods – like dried plants, spagyric tinctures, extracts from fresh plant material, among others – the essential oil provides the highest level of active ingredients concentration while preserving the subtle level of energy and information found in the plant.

Aromatherapy is a branch of phytotherapy (plant therapy) and like phytotherapy, it has existed forever, ever since man owed his survival to being in perfect osmosis with Nature.

In the Middle East, more than 4000 years B.C., the Sumerian people knew and used medicinal and aromatic plants. Clay tablets bearing the very first medical prescriptions have been found in Sumerian sites in Syria in 1973 and can be traced back to these ancient times.


In India, the traditional medical art of Ayurveda, the knowledge of Life, gives the secrets to a long and healthy life by recommending the use of aromatic plants to heal and to cook. The famous Indian physician Susruta already knew how to work with plants to anesthetize patients more than 30 centuries ago.  

Being halfway between the East and the West, the Arabs held the monopoly on spice trade for millenniums and thus played a large part in improving the oils and perfumes extraction techniques.



In Egypt, 2700 B.C., aromatic and spice plants arrived from the East, transported by camel back or on ships, and were sold at a high price: Lebanese cedarwood, frankincense and myrrh, damask rose, spikenard, and so on. The Egyptians mastered the art of aromatic products: scented oils and waters, cosmetics and also special blends kept for mummification and embalming.

As for the Greeks, they owed most of their medical and anatomical knowledges to the Egyptians for whom using perfumes and aromatic plants had become a true way of life.

Essential oils, by generating a scented environment, were used throughout history to perfume people and things. The medicinal properties of essential oils were discovered because, in the Middle Ages, the perfume makers never contracted the plague and were spared during the sweeping epidemics of these times and this due to the fact that the essential oils exhaled in their shops destroyed all the germs. But these were the times when all the scents were provided by Nature and thus kept all their strength and effectiveness. We were far away then from the faked artificial inefficient imitations of stereotyped smells dictated by the pharmaceutical and chemical industry.  


The fundamental idea shared by all kinds of complementary and alternative medicine is the idea of information. Regarding phyto-aromatherapy, information is held in the life of the plant, and when we consume the plant, in any manner, it changes our own inside information, our internal state.

Aromatherapy massage

The sense of touch is there to show us that our soul inhabits a « material » matter. Matter is derived from Latin “materia” meaning “wood, timber (as opposed to the bark and leaves of a tree), building material of which a thing is made”, from the root word  “mater”, mother, originated from the Sanskrit root word “mata”.



07-francky et dora

Relaxation and anti-stress blend
EO Myrrh 5 drops
EO Jasmine 1 drop
VO Sesame seed 10 ml

Use for massage in the evening, you will probably turn your computer off afterwards.


Regenerating and tonifying blend
EO Black Spruce 5 drops
EO White Spruce 5 drops
EO Pine 5 drops
VO Sesame seed 10 ml

Use for massage when exhausted, following a trauma, or after surgery. Do not apply on an open wound.

09-doraMeditation blend
EO Geranium 3 drops
EO Frankincense 10 drops
EO Myrrh 10 drops
VO Sesame seed 10 ml

Slowly massage the abdomen with this blend and inhale directly from the bottle during meditation.